
About Us

eNastran Where Experience Meets Engineering

At eNastran Engineering, we are the pioneers behind NEi Nastran, NEi Works, and Autodesk Nastran, bringing unparalleled expertise in everything Nastran, Inventor Nastran, and Femap. Our mission is to empower our customers by validating their modeling techniques, ensuring simulation accuracy, promoting best practices, and reducing development costs.

Our comprehensive services include Nastran and Femap training, covering all aspects of product usage. We go beyond the basics, offering advanced consulting solutions such as bespoke add-on code development for Nastran and Femap, engineering services, and cutting-edge software training in areas where most resellers are unable.

eNastran Engineering helps its customers achieve real improvements in engineering outcomes through the practical application of world-class simulation technology. If you are new to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), its return on investment in diverse fields of engineering is substantial due to the reduction or even elimination of physical trial-and-error prototyping in a build, test, and re-build cycle of product development.
Our ultimate goal is to enhance productivity while validating the simulation process, guaranteeing that results precisely represent the actual hardware being modeled. With eNastran Engineering, you gain a trusted partner to navigate the complexities of simulation, making your engineering endeavors more efficient, accurate, and successful. Let us be your guide to unparalleled simulation excellence.

eNastran Where Experience Meets Engineering

At eNastran Engineering, we are the pioneers behind NEi Nastran, NEi Works, and Autodesk Nastran, bringing unparalleled expertise in everything Nastran, Inventor Nastran, and Femap. Our mission is to empower our customers by validating their modeling techniques, ensuring simulation accuracy, promoting best practices, and reducing development costs.

Our comprehensive services include Nastran and Femap training, covering all aspects of product usage. We go beyond the basics, offering advanced consulting solutions such as bespoke add-on code development for Nastran and Femap, engineering services, and cutting-edge software training in areas where most resellers are unable.

eNastran Engineering helps its customers achieve real improvements in engineering outcomes through the practical application of world-class simulation technology. If you are new to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), its return on investment in diverse fields of engineering is substantial due to the reduction or even elimination of physical trial-and-error prototyping in a build, test, and re-build cycle of product development.
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